IE Master Class – “Going Digital – How to Manage Successful Change.

Given by Balvinder Powar, partenaire fondateur, membre du conseil d’administration et directeur de BOOSTER Space Industries et AERDRON.

“We are in a revolution in attention!”

The traditional role of sales, marketing and communications within Brands continue to experience massive disruption. Gone are the days when a simple advertising campaign could drive sales and a company’s bottom line. Consumers are now in the driver’s seat when it comes to how and when and where they come into contact with your Brand. The question is: How can you harness the power of storytelling to drive the customer experience in your Brand’s world?

Consider the entire customer experience… from the moment your customer first becomes aware and comes in contact with your brand…through the sales experience… and finally to the post purchase experience. In this Master Class, we examined how Brands take control of their own narrative and deliver the right content at the right time and at the right place to shape our customer’s purchasing decisions and build loyal customers who come back to us time and time again.

How do Brands do it? They TELL POWERFUL BRAND STORIES.