Facilitated by evolving new technologies, new and often revolutionary business models are appearing in finance, an industry that is mostly data driven based and currently has lower than ever barriers to entry. Billions of VC and PE dollars are being poured into startups worldwide, creating tens of thousands of new jobs, while incumbents downsize or try to develop new capabilities. Market conditions and financial and economic systems in Russia; make the opportunities for disruption and new business models in finance even greater. In this Masterclass, we will explore some global Fintech trends, from three main points of view: technology, “smart” investment, and career opportunities.
Yesterday Prof. Pablo Soler Bach addressed in this IE Talk, the major Finetch trends, from three main points of view: technology, “smart” investment, and career opportunities. A great overview of the Fintech eco-system in France and the world and how the different actors are collaborating, partnering or fighting with each other. Billions of VC and PE dollars are being poured on startups worldwide, creating tens of thousands of new jobs, while new projects are lowering costs for consumers and offering new services for populations who were out of the financial systems. Finally, a great example of Blockchain and ICOs, which spotted the inefficiencies of the system;